Our outsides don’t always match our insides. It’s a common problem for people today: self-consciousness. You go about your day feeling young and spry… until you look in the mirror. Then, all you can see are your imperfections: wrinkles, lines, sagging skin. It’s hard to radiate confidence when you feel like your best days are behind you.
How can you take the necessary steps to address your physical insecurities? At Revive Wellness Clinic of Oxford, we’ve curated a select list of lip fillers near you. Our aesthetic treatments designed to help you look—and feel—young again. We can’t turn back time, but our dermal filler and neuromodulator (Botox, Dysport, etc) treatments can help you look as young as you feel.
Aesthetics for Everyone!
Some people are a little hesitant when it comes to injections (like Botox) and fillers. For a while, it seemed like aesthetic surgery was only for a select few, but cosmetic surgery is more than just a luxury. We offer legitimate, accessible procedures designed to accommodate everyone’s needs.
The technology has been honed over many years, so you don’t have to worry about looking overly treated or artificial. We aim for a subtler, more natural look. You’ll feel like yourself, just younger and healthier.

It’s important to note that before we complete any aesthetic procedure, we have a consultation to assess patient goals and expectations. While many of our treatments don’t require any extensive aftercare, they are still medical procedures, and we want to make sure they’ll be effective at addressing your aesthetic concerns.
It’s important to us that we get to know our patients so they feel they can trust us. We don’t want to saddle you with a procedure that won’t help you feel better at the end of the day. To ensure our treatments are right for you, we’ll talk with you about your concerns, ask a few questions, and complete a short physical exam.
From there, we can schedule your aesthetic appointment or perform the treatment on the same day if desired.
Botox: The Treatment That Changed It All!
Botox is one of the most popular and well-known neuromodulator treatment in the world, and we can see why. Botox, along with similar neuromodulators, such as Dysport and Daxxify, can reduce prominent lines and wrinkles, leaving your face looking years younger.
All neuromodulators are administered with injections, but don’t worry—you won’t feel any major discomfort. The injection process is relatively comfortable, and it takes very little time to complete. We hope to complete the procedure in less than half an hour, and once completed, we’ll let you head home.
You won’t have to put your life on hold to get rid of those persistent wrinkles!
Neuromodulator Details
We’ve got all the information you could ever need about neuromodulators like Botox, Dysport, and Daxxify. People have been using them to get rid of wrinkles for over 15 years, and are FDA-approved, so you don’t have to worry about unknown side effects.
Most any adult can use these products, no matter what type of skin they have. We see patients of all different ages, races, and body types, and injections have done wonders for many of them.
Best of all, when your treatment is complete, there’s no extensive aftercare regimen that will put your life on hold. Though, we do recommend that you apply an ice pack to the treatment area and avoid extensive exercise immediately following the procedure.
Fun With Fillers
While neuromodulator injections are incredible at reducing wrinkles for that smooth look. But what if you’re looking for additional wrinkle reduction or treatment for loose skin around the eyes or mouth? Well, in that case, we may offer you a dermal filler treatment.
Dermal fillers are injections that can counteract drooping, sagging skin. You can use dermal fillers pretty much anywhere, but we’re excited to talk about our lip filler near you. Lip fillers can transform the proportions of your face.
If you have thin, unexciting lips, and you’re looking for that pouty, provocative pop, then you should consider scheduling a dermal filler treatment.
Lip Filler
Lip filler is an excellent way to make your lips look more picturesque. They can help your lips seem bigger, healthier, and more uniform.
Lip filler near you is administered with an injection by one of our aesthetically trained Nurse Practitioners. They take a completely safe hyaluronic acid-based gel and inject it directly into the body of the lips.. This injection isn’t particularly serious, but fpr patient comfort, we do administer a local anesthetic.
Once the injections are complete, you’re done! The entire process can be completed in around an hour.
Lip Filler Details
Aftercare for lip filler near you is minimal. Ice packs should be used to reduce swelling, and arnica may be used for bruising.

You’ll easily be able to drive yourself home.
You’ll notice that your lips are a little swollen and/or irritated following your treatment, but this isn’t a permanent side effect. It should resolve within a couple of days. Lip filler can last a long time without a follow-up appointment. Most patient’s see results for up to a year after treatment—maybe more!
The Lip Flip
What if your lips are already full? What if you were born with naturally thick lips, but you’re still not seeing the kind of youthful definition you’re looking for? You don’t want to add any filler, otherwise you risk your lips appearing bloated and overfilled. In that case, you might be looking for a lip flip.
A lip flip is an ingenious alternative to lip filler near you. It allows you to rejuvenate your lips without increasing the volume of your lips themselves. But how can you make a lip look fuller without injecting it with a dermal filler? With the help of neuromodulator injections like Botox.
Lip Flip Details
You may be asking yourself how Botox can make your lips fuller. After all, isn’t Botox just designed to eliminate wrinkles? That is certainly one of the benefits of neuromodulator injections, but this is more than just a standard-issue muscle relaxer.
When injected into the edges of the lips and corners of the mouth, Botox can relax the muscles in your upper lip. This causes it to curl upward, giving it the illusion of increased fullness. Your lips won’t appear swollen, but they will look lively and plump.
One Is the Loneliest Number…
We’re proud of any one of our aesthetic treatments, which is why we’d be remiss if we didn’t suggest combining them. We think you’ll love trying out our injections and lip filler, but why stop there? If you’re excited about your results, let us know, and we can formulate a custom treatment plan with curated recommendations for your skin.
When combined, our treatments stand to offer more pronounced results. The effects of our procedures will still be subtle and refined, but you may see improvement in areas you hadn’t even noticed before.
We absolutely love pairing Emface with our lip filler near you. Emface is like a gadget from a science-fiction story. Using a special radiofrequency energy, Emface contracts the muscles in your face. It’s like a crunch at the gym; as the muscles contract, you stand to see significant improvement in the definition of your facial features.
While the Emface works your muscles, it also works your skin. Radiofrequency energy will stimulate the production of collagen, which will in turn allow your body to create newer, healthier skin. You can look younger because your skin will literally be younger; you won’t have to worry about any more wrinkles and fine lines.
Emface Details
The Emface procedure itself requires very little effort on the patient’s part. It’s totally noninvasive, and you won’t have to worry if you’re wary of needles and injections. Our practitioners administer Emface through handheld wands that produce a little heat and electromagnetic energy.

You’ll definitely feel Emface working, but it shouldn’t cause any pain or irritation. Once the Emface procedure is complete, you can go home.
For lasting results, we’d suggest scheduling occasional follow-up appointments. There, we’ll complete a maintenance treatment so you can see the Emface results for longer. These treatments ensure that the Emface effects don’t wear off or disappear over time.
Who We Are
Now that you understand what we do, we want you to get to know us, the people behind your aesthetic care.
We’re Revive Wellness Clinic of Oxford, and we’re committed to helping our patients look and feel their very best. We offer aesthetic help, sexual wellness treatments, IV therapy, and more. You’ll run into all sorts of problems with your body, but we want to be the solution.
We’ve hired a committed team of trained professionals that know all about the human body and how it functions. If you need advice on how to transform your body for the better, let us know, and we’ll work on a solution for your aesthetic concerns.
Schedule a Consultation Now
Interested in meeting with us about a custom aesthetic treatment plan for lip filler near you? We’d be thrilled to discuss your options. You can reach out to us with our virtual contact form. Just fill out your information and let us know why you’re reaching out. From there, we’ll contact you and find a time to develop a customized plan for your aesthetic care.
We have dozens of tools and techniques to repair aged, wrinkly skin, so why not take a look and see if any of our procedures can help you?